Seminar Message and Brochure for Weapons Seminar - July 17-19
Weapons Seminar
Mushinkan Members, next month we will be hosting our first seminar in Cincinnati...
and its the first official weapons seminar from ZAA.
Fri July 17th @6PM thru Sun July 19th 1PM -
Hosted at Ahn Taekwondo Institute, 11100 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati OH 45242
- Click here for PDF brochure and information
- Please feel welcome to forward this advertisement
- And encourage those who may attend to touch base with Sensei Domaschko...or a member of ZAA or Mushinkan Dojo
Message from ZAA Chief Instructor Greg Tetsuzan Noble
ZAA Members,
For quite some time it's been widely accepted, that Aikido principles of body movement, are in part, related to buki-waza (weapons practice). While not all Aikido organizations/dojo practice weapons, the
ones that do seem to also have a strong open hand practice.
We are pleased to invite you to our first ZAA seminar dedicated
to weapons practice! I know of no other organization, in our lineage, that has
done this.
Since we will be covering our entire weapons curriculum, this
seminar is open to all ranks and experience levels. We will start from such
basics as grip/stance, basic striking,
kata to paired partner practice. We will also
introduce practice with thekodachi (short sword) and nito (long
sword & short sword).
As a Kyu rank student, you will have the opportunity to work
with yudansha of all levels to increase your skill and understanding. As a
yudansha, you will have the opportunity to work with senior yudansha to challenge your focus and intensity, while
increasing your skill level.
If you have any
questions at all regarding the seminar, flights, lodging or transportation,
feel free to contact myself or Domaschko Sensei at
We hope you will
join us for this exciting seminar!
In Gassho,
Greg Tetsuzan Noble
Kaicho/Chief Instructor