
Showing posts from 2021

Holiday Schedule

It's Thanksgiving week, and we'll be canceling class on Wed. night. Mon Nov 22nd 7-8PM: Class is on Wed Nov 24th Class canceled. Enjoy the Holidays Mon Nov 29th 7-8PM: Class is on Cheers!

Mushinkan Aikido Dojo joins Cincinnati MMA Academy

We are proud to announce that Mushinkan Aikido Dojo is now part of the Cincinnati MMA Academy . This is the newly created overarching house brand of martial arts at Premier Shooting & Training Center (West Chester, OH) . This is a milestone in the growth and expansion of the programs. Book your first free lesson now! Head over to the page to explore all the martial arts options available and schedule your free trial. Cincinnati MMA Academy is co-located with Premier of Princeton-Glendale Road. 513-342-5840   INFO@CINCYMMA.COM 4845 PREMIER WAY, WEST CHESTER OHIO 45069

Wed Oct-6th Cancelled for Business Mtg

  Wed Oct-6th Class cancelled for business mtg. See you all Monday Oct 11th.  

Congrats to Chris (now 4th kyu) and Daryl (now 1st kyu)

Mushinkan Dojo congratulates Chris (now 4th kyu) and Daryl (now 1st kyu) for achieving promotions. Well-deserved credit after long overdue testing. Congrats!

Cancelled tonight (Mon Aug 6th)

Mushinkan/all, Class is cancelled tonight. We'll see you  this Wed: 8-18-2021! Cheers Sensei Lindberg Dojo Cho Sensei Domaschko

Congrats to Hanna and Connor, now 1st Kyu

 Congratulations to Hanna and Connor for passing their 1st Kyu tests! Well deserved promotions.  Impromptu class picture

Congrats to Ryan, now 2nd Kyu

 Congrats to Ryan for passing his 2nd Kyu test!

Schedule Updates

This clarifies one class cancellation and the tentative test schedule.  Wed July 28th - 2nd Kyu Test _______ Mon Aug 2nd - Sensei Lindberg covers test questions Wed Aug 4th - No Class _______ Mon Aug 9th - 1st Kyu Test  rehearsal Wed Aug 11th - probable 1st Kyu Testing 

Class Photo June 2021

 No announcement here... Just a class Photo!

Memorial Day class cancellation - and a Heidi Sighting

Our class is canceled Monday. Enjoy the holiday weekend. Memorial Day (Mon May 31st) - no class .  See you Wed, June 2nd! Also, note the recent Heidi sightings!  

Welcome Bella and Congrats to Weapon Testers

This week we celebrate the passing of certificates for "Kumi Tachi - Shoto Kata Variations" awarded to Hanna, Ryan, Connor, Daryl, Chris, and Seth. Also, we welcome Bella, who is a pleasure to have in class and has taught us how to use a selfie-stick! Since vaccinations are common now, we have begun to wean in some traditional, empty-handed Aikido training while being COVID-conscious. 

Certificates for Kumi Tachi - Jo Kata Variations and Group Photo

We continue to focus on weapon practice (bokken, jo, shoto) study as we navigate Covid safety concerns (i.e., minimize contact while practicing forms).  February 2021 Certificates awarded  to Hanna, Daryl, Seth, Chris, Ryan, & Connor for :  Kumi Tachi - Jo Kata  Variations Congrats, crew. Group picture below!  

Class cancelled Mon Feb15th

Mushinkan, This storm seems too big to have any hope of missing us, so we cancel class tonight (Mon Feb 15th). See you Wednesday when all this snow has melted away. Be safe, Sensei Lindberg Dojo Cho Sensei Domaschko 

Congrats for Kumi Jo Niten Kata Variations and Group Picture

We continue to focus on weapon practice (bokken, jo, shoto) study as we navigate Covid safety concerns (i.e., minimize contact while practicing forms).  Jan 6th Certificates awarded  to Daryl, Seth, Connor, Chris, & Ryan :  Kumi Jo - Niten Kata Variations Seriously, we are smiling behind our masks.  Group picture below!