
Showing posts from March, 2015

Mon March 30th - Location Change and Earlier Time

Mon March 30th - Location Change and Earlier Time Class Time: 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM  Location:   Adrenaline Sports & Fitness (the building & parking is located directly behind Pendleton Pilates & Martin Martial Arts). Wed 3-25-15 was a trial night @Adrenaline to explore options to remedy space concerns @Pilates.  Feedback was positive. Next week will continue our trial. 

Class Cancelled tonight, Wed 3-4

Optimism has been squashed!  The white towel is thrown into the ring.  Class is cancelled tonight. Class will resume Mon Mar 9th.  Drive safe...and practice on any willing family member in the mean time.

Class Status Wed 3-4 - TBD

Class Status Wed Mar-4th TBD:  Given an impending snow storm hitting the city just hours before class, it may be cancelled. If the storm somehow misses and roads remain safe, then we'll proceed with class. Anyway, stay tuned.  Feel welcome to connect via email. WhatsApp pilot BTW: Sai has been encouraging all of us to use "WhatsApp" (a messaging app for phones).  We made a group called "Mushinkan Aikido Ohio" with our logo. In the future this may help communications.  The App is free, so please try installing, and joining the group.