
Showing posts from May, 2018

Erin Sighting 2018

2018 Erin Sighting Welcome back!

July 20-22 Weapons Seminar PDF Brochure

Zenshinkai Aikido Association - Weapons Seminar in West Chester OH ( July 20-22, 2018) Brochure & Seminar Form Zenshinkai Weapons Seminar - July20-22th - Mushinkan hosted PDF link Greg Tetsuzan Noble Sensei is the Chief Instructor of Zenshinkai Aikido Association. He began his Aikido training at the early age of fifteen, and is now ranked Rokudan (6th degree black belt) Aikikai. He also holds black belt ranks in Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaido and Shindo Muso-ryu Jodo, and has long-term formal training in Zen. Noble Sensei is a certified Zen Teacher and Roshi under Zen Garland, an international organization for Zen training, and is Dharma Successor of Paul Genki Kahn Roshi. The study of Aikido weapons is paramount to our understanding of the aspects of distance, timing, body movement and intensity within our practice. At this seminar we will cover the ZAA weapons curriculum at all levels. Please join us for a ZAA seminar dedicated to weapons practice! Venue:  Pr...

No Class May28th (Memorial Day)

Monday May 28th, class is cancelled (Memorial Day) See you all Wednesday May 30th by 7PM (with Summer hours starting our ASF site, we'll try to start a bit earlier if you can make it) And don't forget to place July 20-22, 2018  on your calendar, for the ZAA Weapons seminar hosted by us (Mushinkan Dojo); hosted at Premiere Shooting & Training Center , West Chester OH.