
Showing posts from 2015

Updated Holiday Schedule- Wed still on but next Mon is off

Updated Holiday schedule: Wed Dec 23rd 7-8PM   Class is still on   (Xmas eve is Thursday) Mon Dec 28th  7-8PM   No Class Wed Dec 30th 7-8PM  Class resumes  (New Year's Eve is Thursday) Cheers, Seth

Holiday Hours 2015 - mostly normal

Happy Holidays to all! Class time is open the next two weeks. Please inform Seth of your attendance plans. It will easiest right now to keep normal class time for next week (even though we could start and end 30min earlier to match the Adrenaline Sports schedule). Mon 21st 7-8PM Wed 23rd 7-8PM (Xmas eve is Thursday) For the following week, the default time also remains normal class time 7-8PM, but we could change this to 6:30-7:30 pending on how the previous week goes.   Mon 28th  7-8PM (as of now) Wed 30th 7-8PM (as of now) (New Year's Eve is Thursday)

ZAA 2016-Newsletter

ZAA thanks us for a strong 2015, outlines 2016 View/Download now :  ZAA Newsletter - 2016 Kickoff PDF link     Content: Interview of Noble Sensei, Chief Instructor interviewed by Alison Lincoln Sensei The Foundation of Aikido by Greg Noble Sensei Creating Ki by Corey Guilbault Sensei Dojo Name Series: Kushinkan by Greg Noble Sensei Zen and The Cultivation of Energy by Paul Genki Kahn Roshi Shugyo by Alison Lincoln Sensei Aikido by Giles Copp Sensei Dojo Name Series: Jikishinkan by Greg Noble Sensei 2015 Snapshot  2015 Dan Promotions Shane Bocksnick - Shodan Chris Krawczyk – Shodan Tom Smith - Shodan Panos Paschalidis – Shodan Katy Gooden – Shodan Alison Lincoln Sensei - Sandan 2015 New Dojos New York  Zenshinkai Aikido of Mahopac - Rishinkan Dojo - Instructor: Giles Copp Sensei Missouri/ Four State Aikido/ Instructor: Stephanie Lloyd Sensei 2016 Events (Seminars) Please visit the ZA...

Wed Nov 25th Class from 6:30 - 7:30PM (30min earlier)

HOLIDAY HOURS For those not traveling the night before Thanksgiving,  Wed Nov 25th , class will run 30min earlier from 6:30 - 7:30PM to match Adrenaline Sports facility hours. For those traveling, be safe and enjoy your time off! ANNUAL FEES Also note, while you prepare your December dues, please add $35 per person for the annual ZAA dues ( see other blog post ).

2016 ZAA Membership Info and Fees

The annual ZAA membership fees are critical for maintaining effective management, as well as for providing members with information, resources and other support; and they are due soon! Actions for members, 1-  Fill out PDF (Seth will print and bring to class, but here is the link: 2016 AAA Membership form PDF 2-  Provide check and form to Sensei Domaschko by Dec15th ZAA Membership - $35.00 per person Key Member Benefits: Rank testing – As a ZAA member they are eligible for rank testing and receive kyu certificates. Aikikai Dan certificates – As a member they are eligible for dan rank testing and Aikikai rank certificates, as well as an international Aikikai passbook Access to ZAA member area – We are currently in the process creating a members area through our membership management software, that will have numerous resources available (test requirement demo videos, pdf copy of our student handbook, podcasts of dharma talks/zen lectures, etc.)   Discount...

Congrats! Six promoted Kyu ranks this October

Lots of testing occurred this October, 2015. Congratulations are extended to six Mushinkan Dojo members for passing Kyu test! Listed as appearing in photo from left to right: Connor Lindberg now 4th Kyu Hanna Everding now 4th Kyu Seth Lindberg now 1st Kyu Sensei Domaschko David Silver now 1st Kyu Daryl Everding now 3rd Kyu Clint Smock now 4th Kyu Even though we were missing several members, we also had Erin and Bik present so we grabbed a partial group photo:

Sensei Null Photos available

Sensei Null's Album of the July 2015 Weapon's Seminar  is now available; I believe this is a public link, but check  it out and let Seth know if it doesn't work for you. Mushinkan Members - Photo Album on Google Drive  (photo's by Heidi) currently available only to our members, but if no one objects we may open the access and/or post in a Facebook album. ....actually, these are posted in an experimental Google Plus Folder .  Try it :)

No Class Mon Sept 7th (Labor Day)

No Class Mon Sept 7th (Labor Day), since the Adrenaline Facility is closed during our normal meeting hours.  Class reconvenes on Wed at 7PM.  Have a safe holiday weekend. A lot of tests are coming up, so please peruse the requirements and communicate the methods you'd like extra practice on:  2014 Adult Testing Requirements PDF   (Link to Document) 

Seminar Reminder

Our first seminar is this coming Friday!  As hosts of the event which draws attendees from several states away, we'll need everyone to help visitors.  We'll be going over etiquette & volunteer opportunities at class this Mon and Wed. Set-up and clean-up duties exist, so please show up early if possible (~4:30PM). Registration starts  @5:15 on Fri Night, and the first Session at 6:00PM. Hosted at   Ahn Taekwondo Institute,   11100 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati OH 45242 More  Seminar Details  already posted on this blog.  Please feel welcome to complement the snack tray with home-cooked cookies (or brownies :) ). There is a Group Dinner Saturday night  

Seminar Message and Brochure for Weapons Seminar - July 17-19

Weapons Seminar Mushinkan Members, next month we will be hosting our first seminar in Cincinnati...  and its the first official weapons seminar from ZAA. Fri July 17th @6PM  thru Sun July 19th 1PM -  Hosted at Ahn Taekwondo Institute, 11100 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati OH 45242  Actions: Click here for  PDF brochure and information Please feel welcome to forward this advertisement And encourage those who may attend to touch base with Sensei Domaschko...or a member of ZAA or Mushinkan Dojo  Message from ZAA  Chief Instructor  Greg Tetsuzan Noble ZAA Members, ​ For quite some time it's been widely accepted ​ , ​   that Aikido principles of body movement ​,  are in part,  related to  ​ buki-waza  ( ​ weapons practice ​ ) ​ . While not all Aikido organizations/dojo practice weapons, the ones that do seem to also have a strong open hand practice. We are pleased to invite you to ou...

Summer Hours 7PM-8PM

Note that we will continue the 7PM-8PM for the duration of the Summer (into August).

Monday June 8th, hours changed to 7PM to 8PM

Note, our host facility Adrenaline Sports has Summer Hours that compel us to attempting ending class earlier. So, this Monday June 8th , hours are changed to 7PM to 8PM (15min earlier). Subsequent class for the Summer may also change to this time, or perhaps even a little earlier if students concur.  Please keep an eye out for further announcements and never hesitate to contact Sensei Domaschko.

Memorial Day - Class Cancelled

Mon April 25th class is cancelled (the facility is closed for Memorial Day). Class resumes Wed. at 7:15PM.

Reminder: 7:15 class start - Adrenaline

Mon April 6th - Location Change and Earlier Time Class Time:  7:15 PM - 8:30 PM  Location:   Adrenaline Sports & Fitness  (the building & parking is located directly behind Pendleton Pilates & Martin Martial Arts).

Mon March 30th - Location Change and Earlier Time

Mon March 30th - Location Change and Earlier Time Class Time: 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM  Location:   Adrenaline Sports & Fitness (the building & parking is located directly behind Pendleton Pilates & Martin Martial Arts). Wed 3-25-15 was a trial night @Adrenaline to explore options to remedy space concerns @Pilates.  Feedback was positive. Next week will continue our trial. 

Class Cancelled tonight, Wed 3-4

Optimism has been squashed!  The white towel is thrown into the ring.  Class is cancelled tonight. Class will resume Mon Mar 9th.  Drive safe...and practice on any willing family member in the mean time.

Class Status Wed 3-4 - TBD

Class Status Wed Mar-4th TBD:  Given an impending snow storm hitting the city just hours before class, it may be cancelled. If the storm somehow misses and roads remain safe, then we'll proceed with class. Anyway, stay tuned.  Feel welcome to connect via email. WhatsApp pilot BTW: Sai has been encouraging all of us to use "WhatsApp" (a messaging app for phones).  We made a group called "Mushinkan Aikido Ohio" with our logo. In the future this may help communications.  The App is free, so please try installing, and joining the group.

Class Cancelled Tongiht -Mon PM Feb 16th

All, most heard via email already...but this post confirms that tonight's class is being cancelled due to snow and bad road conditions.  We'll reconnect in two day, on Feb-18th  Wed @7:15 PM! Stay safe and warm.

Noble Sensei - Sixth Dan Announcement

Zenshinkai Aikido Association (FacebookPage)  - Jan-11-2015 Announcement: I am extremely pleased to announce the promotion of Noble Sensei to sixth dan by Hombu dojo. This is a huge testament to his dedication and training over these many years. Please inform your students and join me in congratulating Sensei personally. Greg Null Vice-Chairman Zenshinkai Aikido Association